In our lobby: Art by Jasmine Bertelson

Jasmine Bertelson will be a Senior at Amherst High School this Fall. Her art is on display in the Jensen Community Center lobby all Summer.


What was your inspiration or concept for this artwork?

I was doing a project inspired by an artist, and I chose William Eggleston. He took photos of mundane objects and landscapes and then used a color process to exaggerate the color and saturation. 


What is your preferred artistic medium or subject to create?

I’ve really gotten into charcoal/chalk lately, though a lot of the time I just use pencil. My favorite thing to draw is people, usually unorthodox ones.


Who is your favorite artist? Why?

My favorite artist is probably Terrance Osborne. His use of color and style brings everyday things to life, and I really admire it.


What are your creative outlets?

I do a fair amount of photography, writing, and reading alongside drawing.

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