
Since its beginning in 2003, the Jensen Community Spirit has been an affordable and popular venue for local advertisers to reach their best target audience. Many of our advertisers have been with us every issue for the past two decades and we’re grateful for their support. Advertising income helps us fund several community programs and maintain our spacious facility. Our readership understands that the advertisers in the Spirit help support our community and in return, are very loyal shoppers.

Advertising Rates and Sizes: We offer a variety of ad sizes and rates with discounts for repeat customers. A significant portion of the paper has color available at an additional cost. Regular advertisers are added to an email reminder list for updates on deadlines and special promotions.

Advertising Contact: Email Advertising Manager Brent Frankenhoff at or call him at 715-824-5202 to set up an affordable advertising program that fits your business’ needs.

Advertising Standards & Policies: Merchandise or service advertised in the Spirit is expected to be accurately described and readily available at the advertised prices. Deceptive, misleading, or attack advertising is never knowingly accepted.

A complete copy of our advertising standards appears in every issue and is available upon request.