Princess Whatsername makes magic at the Jensen Center

By Brent Frankenhoff

Jensen Community Center Executive Director

Following in the footsteps of a trio of children’s summer musicals (Rockin’ Robin Hood, Rockin’ Snow White, and Krazy Kamp), Janet Glodowski’s Variety Productions assembled another successful summer musical with Princess Whatsername July 24-27.

The show was the largest yet put on by Glodowski, with more than 70 children from ages 4 to 13 (4K through eighth grade) in the cast, plus numerous backstage helpers and crew.

Four packed performances allowed nearly 1,000 audience members to see the results of several months of rehearsals, costume creation, dance practice, set decoration, prop preparation, and more.

Productions of this size seriously strain the Center’s current theater space, especially its backstage and preparation areas. The third stage of the 3Stage Expansion Project is designed to not only alleviate this challenge but also to anticipate the needs of future productions. Please see the form on page 17 for more information on the Center’s plans.

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