Former local singer wins competition

Barbershop quartet Coulee Classic members Colin Stevenson, Matt Curtis, Allen Pruitt, and Nathan Peplinski with the traveling trophy given to the winning quartet at each year’s Land o’ Lakes District Contest.

2001 Amherst graduate Nathan Peplinski and his barbershop quartet, Coulee Classic, finished as Champions at the 2021 Land o’ Lakes District Contest in Minneapolis October 16. The a capella quartet, formed in January 2021 in La Crosse, also qualified to represent the Land o’ Lakes District (one of 17 districts around the world) at the Barbershop Harmony Society International Competition in Charlotte, North Carolina, next July.

Peplinski is just one of several singers in his family, with his father Mike, mother Mary, and several brothers and sisters all participating in various barbershop and other singing groups for more than 40 years.


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